By joining MREA, your organization gains access to a powerful network and a unified platform for advocacy, information, and collaboration.
Advocacy for Fair Policy
MREA represents your interests in the Maine Legislature and the Public Utilities Commission, advocating for fair regulatory oversight to support renewable energy growth, responsible business practices, and environmental stewardship.
Ensuring Positive Media Coverage
We proactively seek favorable media attention for the renewable energy industry and connect our members with journalists. MREA ensures that the renewable energy story is accurately told and challenges misleading narratives.
Staying Informed
As a member, you’ll receive timely updates on industry trends, public policies, and important legislative developments impacting renewable energy in Maine.
Expanding Support & Partnerships
MREA is a united voice for renewable energy producers and support providers. We forge broad-based partnerships with organizations that share our goals and collaborate with experts to keep members informed of the latest business activities.
Developer & Owner/Operator Members*
Developer and owner/operator members are developing renewable energy generation and/or storage projects in Maine and/or own or operate renewable energy generation and/or storage projects in Maine.
*If you develop both DG and grid-scale then your membership tier is contingent on if your typical project is 5MW or higher.
Non-Producer Members
Non-producer members are companies that provide support to developer and owner/operator members through civil engineering, environmental permitting, legal counsel, repair, other consulting services, or are otherwise part of the renewable energy industry. Membership rates are based on the total number of employees working in Maine and/or on Maine-based projects.
For more information and to join MREA contact us at